2018年5月19日 星期六


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <math.h>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct point
    float x,y;
float norm (point p) // get the norm of a vector
    return pow(pow(p.x,2)+pow(p.y,2),.5);
point trilateration(point point1, point point2, point point3, double r1, double r2, double r3) {
    point resultPose;
    //unit vector in a direction from point1 to point 2
    double p2p1Distance = pow(pow(point2.x-point1.x,2) + pow(point2.y-   point1.y,2),0.5);
    point ex = {(point2.x-point1.x)/p2p1Distance, (point2.y-point1.y)/p2p1Distance};
    point aux = {point3.x-point1.x,point3.y-point1.y};
    //signed magnitude of the x component
    double i = ex.x * aux.x + ex.y * aux.y;
    //the unit vector in the y direction.
    point aux2 = { point3.x-point1.x-i*ex.x, point3.y-point1.y-i*ex.y};
    point ey = { aux2.x / norm (aux2), aux2.y / norm (aux2) };
    //the signed magnitude of the y component
    double j = ey.x * aux.x + ey.y * aux.y;
    double x = (pow(r1,2) - pow(r2,2) + pow(p2p1Distance,2))/ (2 * p2p1Distance);
    double y = (pow(r1,2) - pow(r3,2) + pow(i,2) + pow(j,2))/(2*j) - i*x/j;
    //result coordinates
    double finalX = point1.x+ x*ex.x + y*ey.x;
    double finalY = point1.y+ x*ex.y + y*ey.y;
    resultPose.x = finalX;
    resultPose.y = finalY;
    return resultPose;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
    point finalPose;
    point p1 = {4.0,4.0};
    point p2 = {9.0,7.0};
    point p3 = {9.0,1.0};
    double r1,r2,r3;
    r1 = 4;
    r2 = 3;
    r3 = 3.25;
    finalPose = trilateration(p1,p2,p3,r1,r2,r3);
    cout<<"X:::  "<<finalPose.x<<endl;
    cout<<"Y:::  "<<finalPose.y<<endl;




設定搶先看的兩種方式 A1. 先到我家的日常粉絲團按下 …( 紅框處 ) A2. 按下追蹤中 ( 紅框處 ) A3. 按下搶先看 ( 紅框處 ) A4. 完成!!! 另一種方式 ...